├──1、自然拼读 62节
| ├──第10节8.h, n, o.mp4 55.07M
| ├──第11节9.h, n, o 单词.mp4 134.78M
| ├──第12节10.第二组拼单词.mp4 43.88M
| ├──第13节11.d, g, l.mp4 68.26M
| ├──第14节12.d, g, l 单词.mp4 146.37M
| ├──第15节13.v, y, r.mp4 52.60M
| ├──第16节14.v, y, r 单词.mp4 123.27M
| ├──第17节15.第三组拼单词.mp4 48.86M
| ├──第18节16.e, q(u), z.mp4 73.60M
| ├──第19节17.e, q(u), z 单词.mp4 173.84M
| ├──第1节全能系统课介绍.mp4 20.79M
| ├──第20节18.j, u, k.mp4 68.99M
| ├──第21节19.j, u, k 单词.mp4 148.51M
| ├──第22节20.x, w.mp4 57.70M
| ├──第23节21.x, w 单词 + Others.mp4 105.29M
| ├──第24节22.第四组拼单词.mp4 95.18M
| ├──第25节23.short vowel 复习.mp4 60.02M
| ├──第26节24.at, am, an,.mp4 108.50M
| ├──第27节25.ad, ap, ag.mp4 106.48M
| ├──第28节26.ot, og, op.mp4 106.35M
| ├──第29节27.et, en, ed.mp4 108.32M
| ├──第2节自然拼读前言 - The Alphabet.mp4 24.63M
| ├──第30节28.ig, it, ip.mp4 98.11M
| ├──第31节29.id, in,.mp4 73.69M
| ├──第32节30.ug, ut, un.mp4 105.61M
| ├──第33节31.Magic E a_e.mp4 100.99M
| ├──第34节32.Magic E i_e.mp4 98.35M
| ├──第35节33. Magic O_E.mp4 71.47M
| ├──第36节34.Magic E u_e.mp4 69.81M
| ├──第37节35. ai, ay.mp4 61.68M
| ├──第38节36. ee, ea.mp4 47.60M
| ├──第39节37. ie, igh.mp4 44.75M
| ├──第3节1.m, s, f.mp4 100.04M
| ├──第40节38. oa, ow.mp4 54.44M
| ├──第41节39. ue,ew.mp4 59.22M
| ├──第42节40. ar,ir.mp4 66.49M
| ├──第43节41. or,ur.mp4 39.46M
| ├──第44节42. au,aw, all.mp4 104.92M
| ├──第45节43. are, air.mp4 47.28M
| ├──第46节44. ea, ear, eer.mp4 67.32M
| ├──第47节45. bl gl fl sl.mp4 52.51M
| ├──第48节46. br,gr, dr.mp4 68.55M
| ├──第49节47. sw, st, sm.mp4 58.42M
| ├──第4节2.m, s, f 单词.mp4 128.82M
| ├──第50节48. sc, sk.mp4 49.39M
| ├──第51节49. spr, str.mp4 72.45M
| ├──第52节50. sh ch tch.mp4 85.20M
| ├──第53节51. wh, ph.mp4 50.92M
| ├──第54节52. ng nk.mp4 39.19M
| ├──第55节53. nt, nd.mp4 42.98M
| ├──第56节54. it, mp.mp4 52.56M
| ├──第57节55. ng, kn, mb.mp4 39.05M
| ├──第58节56. soft c, soft g.mp4 78.17M
| ├──第59节57. ture, sure.mp4 53.47M
| ├──第5节3.a, p, t.mp4 58.10M
| ├──第60节58. tion, sion.mp4 48.72M
| ├──第61节59. ous, ful.mp4 39.63M
| ├──第62节60. Syllables.mp4 52.10M
| ├──第6节4.a, p, t 单词.mp4 134.96M
| ├──第7节5.第一组拼单词.mp4 75.27M
| ├──第8节6.c, i, b.mp4 70.07M
| └──第9节7.c, i, b 单词.mp4 123.72M
├──2、分级阅读牛津树 45节
| ├──第100节Level 3 - Strawberry Jam.mp4 30.12M
| ├──第101节Level 3 - The Duck Race.mp4 30.14M
| ├──第102节Level 3 - The Mud Bath.mp4 22.50M
| ├──第103节Level 3 - The Rope Swing.mp4 28.71M
| ├──第104节Level 3 -The Ice Rink.mp4 31.79M
| ├──第105节Level 3 - The Steel Band.mp4 25.42M
| ├──第106节Level 3 -The Egg Hunt.mp4 42.99M
| ├──第107节Level 3 -The Jumble Sale.mp4 30.54M
| ├──第63节L1 - What A Mess.mp4 38.45M
| ├──第64节L1 - At the Park.mp4 48.12M
| ├──第65节L1 - Fancy Dress.mp4 39.00M
| ├──第66节L1 - Goal.mp4 49.83M
| ├──第67节L1 - Good Dog.mp4 37.48M
| ├──第68节L1 - Headache.mp4 37.13M
| ├──第69节L1 - Making Faces.mp4 35.04M
| ├──第70节L1 - Mud Pie.mp4 36.92M
| ├──第71节L1 - Push.mp4 24.68M
| ├──第72节L1 - See Me Skip.mp4 46.40M
| ├──第73节L1 - Shopping.mp4 49.24M
| ├──第74节L1 - The Journey.mp4 46.45M
| ├──第75节L1 - The Pet Shop.mp4 37.94M
| ├──第76节L1 - What a Din.mp4 55.28M
| ├──第77节L1 - Who Did That.mp4 34.43M
| ├──第78节L2 - A New Dog.mp4 64.75M
| ├──第79节L2 - Floppy‘s Bath.mp4 62.31M
| ├──第80节L2 - Kippers Balloon.mp4 72.74M
| ├──第81节L2 - Kippers Laces.mp4 49.44M
| ├──第82节L2 - Kippers Birthday.mp4 55.10M
| ├──第83节L2 - New Trainers.mp4 36.62M
| ├──第84节L2 - Spots.mp4 40.39M
| ├──第85节L2 - The Baby-Sitter.mp4 54.00M
| ├──第86节L2 - The Go Kart.mp4 74.06M
| ├──第87节L2 - The Dream.mp4 44.16M
| ├──第88节L2 - The Foggy Day.mp4 42.41M
| ├──第89节L2 - The Toys Party.mp4 59.87M
| ├──第90节L2 - The Water Fight.mp4 45.84M
| ├──第91节L2 - The Wobbly Tooth.mp4 49.20M
| ├──第92节L2 - What a Bad Dog.mp4 47.96M
| ├──第93节Level 3 - A Cat in the Tree.mp4 58.78M
| ├──第94节Level 3 - By the Stream.mp4 43.24M
| ├──第95节Level 3 - Kipper the Clown.mp4 42.28M
| ├──第96节Level 3 - Nobody Wanted to Pla.mp4 45.46M
| ├──第97节Level 3 - On the Sand.mp4 35.75M
| ├──第98节Level 3 - Pond Dipping.mp4 24.54M
| └──第99节Level 3 - Sniff.mp4 38.31M
├──3、国际音标 22节
| ├──第108节音标课01.mp4 113.96M
| ├──第109节音标课02.mp4 99.79M
| ├──第110节音标课03.mp4 68.89M
| ├──第111节音标课04.mp4 98.27M
| ├──第112节音标课05.mp4 76.14M
| ├──第113节音标课06.mp4 73.31M
| ├──第114节音标课07.mp4 98.18M
| ├──第115节音标课08.mp4 83.79M
| ├──第116节音标课09.mp4 71.56M
| ├──第117节音标课10.mp4 54.51M
| ├──第118节音标课11.mp4 56.72M
| ├──第119节音标课12.mp4 59.51M
| ├──第120节音标课13.mp4 69.15M
| ├──第121节音标课14.mp4 87.16M
| ├──第122节音标课15.mp4 61.69M
| ├──第123节音标课16.mp4 56.69M
| ├──第124节音标课17.mp4 52.60M
| ├──第125节音标课18.mp4 55.23M
| ├──第126节音标课19.mp4 54.63M
| ├──第127节音标课20.mp4 77.39M
| ├──第128节音标课21.mp4 82.71M
| └──第129节音标课22.mp4 47.77M
├──4、口语连读 15节
| ├──第130节斯远 Lesson 23 元音复习.mp4 47.07M
| ├──第131节斯远 Lesson 24 辅音复习.mp4 24.94M
| ├──第132节斯远 Lesson 25 词尾 -s 的发音规则.mp4 43.41M
| ├──第133节斯远 Lesson 26 词尾 -ed 的发音规则.mp4 31.13M
| ├──第134节斯远 Lesson 27 辅音与元音的连读.mp4 21.16M
| ├──第135节斯远 Lesson 28 元音与元音的连读.mp4 27.48M
| ├──第136节斯远 Lesson 29 辅音与辅音的连读.mp4 25.41M
| ├──第137节斯远 Lesson 30 辅音与 j 的连读.mp4 28.75M
| ├──第138节斯远 Lesson 31 单词的音节与重音.mp4 42.85M
| ├──第139节斯远 Lesson 32 浊化.mp4 15.22M
| ├──第140节斯远 Lesson 33 弱读.mp4 57.31M
| ├──第141节斯远 Lesson 34 句子重音.mp4 31.86M
| ├──第142节斯远 Lesson 35 意群和停顿.mp4 44.31M
| ├──第143节斯远 Lesson 36 语调.mp4 41.40M
| └──第144节斯远 Lesson 37 英美发音主要区别.mp4 64.34M
| ├──01.L2 The Toy's Party.pdf.pdf 2.23M
| ├──02.L3 Nobody Wanted to Play.pdf.pdf 2.38M
| ├──03.L2 Kipper's Birthday.pdf.pdf 2.39M
| ├──04.L1 Shopping.pdf.pdf 1.29M
| ├──05.L1 Making Faces.pdf.pdf 1.04M
| ├──06.L1 What a Mess.pdf.pdf 1.04M
| ├──07.2022-12-29电子讲义音标.pdf.pdf 1.18M
| ├──08.L2 Floppy's Bath.pdf.pdf 2.06M
| ├──09.L2 The Baby-sitter.pdf.pdf 2.24M
| ├──10.L3 The Duck Race.pdf.pdf 2.40M
| ├──11.L1 Goal!.pdf.pdf 1.23M
| ├──12.L3 Kipper the Clown.pdf.pdf 2.33M
| ├──13.L3 Srawberry Jam.pdf.pdf 2.34M
| ├──14.L3 The Egg Hunt.pdf.pdf 2.23M
| ├──15.L2 A New Dog.pdf.pdf 2.51M
| ├──16.L1 Who Did That?.pdf.pdf 953.56kb
| ├──17.L1 What a Din!.pdf.pdf 1.26M
| ├──18.L2 The Foggy Day.pdf.pdf 1.66M
| ├──19.L3 On the Sand.pdf.pdf 2.38M
| ├──20.L2 Kipper's Laces.pdf.pdf 2.29M
| ├──21.L3 The Steel Band.pdf.pdf 2.16M
| ├──22.L1 The Mud Pie.pdf.pdf 1.40M
| ├──23.L2 Spots.pdf.pdf 2.26M
| ├──24.L3 The Jumble Sale.pdf.pdf 2.26M
| ├──25.L3 The Rope Swing.pdf.pdf 2.28M
| ├──26.L1 The Headache.pdf.pdf 998.12kb
| ├──27.L2 What a Bad Dog!.pdf.pdf 2.50M
| ├──28.L1 The Pet Shop.pdf.pdf 979.79kb
| ├──29.L3 Sniff.pdf.pdf 2.13M
| ├──30.L3 The Mud Bath.pdf.pdf 2.13M
| ├──31.L2 Kipper's Balloon.pdf.pdf 2.07M
| ├──32.L3 By the Stream.pdf.pdf 2.12M
| ├──33.L2 The Go-Kart.pdf.pdf 2.43M
| ├──34.L1 The Journey.pdf.pdf 1.08M
| ├──35.L1 Good Dog.pdf.pdf 1.27M
| ├──36.L2 The Wobbly Tooth.pdf.pdf 1.88M
| ├──37.L1 Push!.pdf.pdf 1.04M
| ├──38.L2 The Dream.pdf.pdf 2.30M
| ├──39.L2 New Trainers.pdf.pdf 2.37M
| ├──40.L2 The Water Fight.pdf.pdf 2.31M
| ├──41.自然拼读讲义.pdf.pdf 7.22M
| ├──42.L1 At the Park.pdf.pdf 1.05M
| ├──43.L3 Pond Dipping.pdf.pdf 2.14M
| ├──44.L1 See Me Skip.pdf.pdf 1.22M
| ├──45.L1 Fancy Dress.pdf.pdf 1015.96kb
| ├──46.L3 The Ice Rink.pdf.pdf 2.12M
| └──47.L3 A Cat in the Tree.pdf.pdf 2.21M
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