Randal L. Schwartz是软件工业界经历了两个时代的老战士。他精通软件设计、系统管理、安全、技术写作和培训。Randal与他人共同编著了许多已成为事实标准的“必备”书:《Programming Perl》、《Learning Perl》、《Learning Perl for Win32 Systems》和《Effective Perl Programming》,他还是杂志《WebTechniques》、《PerformanceComputing》、《SysAdmin》和《Linux》的专栏作家。他也是Perl新闻组的一位多产作者,并从comp.lang.perl.announce开始时就是它的管理员。他不落俗套的幽默和大师风范的技术在全世界范围内已经堪称传奇(不过可能他自己本身早就开始了这个传奇)。Randal回馈Perl社区的愿望促使他帮助成立了The Perl Institute,并提供了初始资金。他还是Perl Mongers(perl.org)创建理事会的成员,这是一个世界范围的Perl基层推广组织。从1985年起,Randal拥有并经营Stonehenge Consulting Services公司。Randal的联络方式是merlyn@stonehenge.com或(503)777-0095,欢迎广大读者与他共同探讨Perl的一些问题以及其他相关主题。
Get a thorough introduction to Perl from Randal Schwartz, co-author of the bestselling book Learning Perl. This video tutorial shows you why Perl is the language for people who want to get work done -- from short fixes on the command line to web applications, bioinformatics, finance, and much more. With vivid descriptions and detailed examples peppered by his eclectic wit, Randal covers all of the important aspects of the language through version 5.10.
Learn what it takes to be a Perl programmer from one of the world's foremost authorities on the subject. Video topics include:
Perl data variable types
File operations
Regular expressions
String manipulation
Lists sorting
Process management
Smart matching
Using third party modules
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